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- To ensure close linkages between skills development and training institutions with national development priorities thereby promote the churning out of graduates and artisans capable of driving the development agenda of our country.
- To raise the skills base beyond the current 38% highlighted by the 2018 National Critical Skills Audit and pay particular attention to critical areas of Engineering and Technology, National and Applied Sciences; and Agriculture in fulfillment of Vision 2030 and Africa’s Agenda 2063;
- To align national skills to the new digital economy;
- Redirect scholarship schemes to support the development thrust of the nation;
- To conduct the National Skills Audit every 10 years and sector specific Skills Audits every 3 years;
- To develop a Skills Development Policy and Action Plan for the period 2025 to 2035 informed by the 2025 Audit Report.
- To ensure that the country explores for adoption, emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, drones and 3D printing.
- To liaise with and ensure that the country`s technically oriented public entities are resuscitated and carry out special apprenticeship training programmes;
- To provide a skills transfer platform for Zimbabwe specialist skills resident in the Diaspora to contribute to skills development of the country.
- To ensure that learners of any academic orientation and those with psychomotor aptitudes are identified early and developed along specific pathways in line with their passion and talent.