Our Departments

Skills Audit

  • To align national skills to the new digital economy;
  • To conduct a specific Skills Audit every 3 years, and the National Critical Skills Audit every 10 years;
  • To assist Government and private sector organizations to fully comprehend the information provided in the 2018 Audit
  • To ensure close linkages between skills development in higher and tertiary education institutions with national development strategies and thereby promote the churning out of graduates capable of making tangible contributions to the development of the country;

Skills and Workforce Development

  • To raise the skills base beyond the current 38%, in fulfillment of Vision 2030 and implement the Africa Vision 2063;
  • To pay particular attention to skills development in the critical areas of Engineering and Technology; National and Applied Sciences; and Agriculture;
  • To ensure alignment between curricula and syllabi to focus on skills deficit areas;
  • To ensure that new scholarship schemes are supportive of the development thrust of the nation, particularly Vision 2030;
  • To develop a Skills Development Plan for the period 2018 to 2028 and correct the skills shortages and surpluses as identified in the 2018 Audit Report;
  • To ensure that the country explores for adoption, emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, drones, and 3D printing;
  • To liaise with and ensure that the country technically-oriented public entities are resuscitated and carry out special apprenticeship training programmes;
  • To ensure that learners of an academic orientation and those with psychomotor aptitudes are identified early and developed along specific pathways;
  • To ensure that career guidance is provided in schools from an early age;
  • To ensure that universities colleges, polytechnics and Vocational Training Centres produce graduates who fit well into the modern digital economy, and that these institutions absorb as many candidates as possible;
  • To address the bottlenecks that restrict entry into higher and tertiary institutions by interested learners who have acquired relevant entry qualifications for their preferred areas of study;
  • To ensure that business sector is encouraged to resume trade-related attachment programmes in liaison with local industry

Human Resources Management

  • Human resources, acquisition, training and development
  • Management of human resources policies and systems
  • Employee resourcing
  • Resource mobilization
  • Provision of occupational health and safety
  • Payroll administration

Finance and Administration

  • Preparation of estimates of annual revenue and expenditure
  • Executing and monitoring the budget
  • Accounts payable management
  • Production of periodic financial, administrative and human resources reports as well as Statutory returns
  • Asset management
  • Transport management
  • Security management
  • Records management

Legal Services

  • Provide Legal advisory services to the Ministry
  • Provide Legal drafting services
  • Provide legal secretarial services to the Ministry

Internal Audit

  • Provide assurance and consulting services to the organisation’s operation and financial activities
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of management internal control and compliance with government procedures, laws and regulations
  • Carry out follow-up audits on recommendations based on the time frame given

Procurement Management Unit (PMU)

  • Assist management on risk management
  • Preparing Annual Procurement Plan
  • Prepare bidding and contract documents and participate in contract negotiations
  • Manage bids evaluations
  • Preparation of monthly procurement returns
  • Coordinating the Disposal of obsolete/ idle assets

Strategic Policy Planning and Monitoring & Evaluation

  • Coordinates the production of the Ministry’s strategic plan
  • Produce monthly and annual M & E reports
  • Periodically review and revise the system so that it is adapted appropriately to changing operating contexts.
  • Ensure relevant and timely M&E information is provided in user-friendly formats to key stakeholders.
  • Ensure an appropriate monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system is in place and is functioning satisfactorily.

Gender Mainstreaming, Wellness and Inclusivity

  • Monitoring compliance with gender equality through the M & E framework

Communications and Advocacy

  • Create and maintain a positive public image for the Ministry (exhibitions, expos, exchange and learning visits, internal publics grooming and etiquette, public engagement sessions, etc)
  • Media management and engagement (media releases, speeches, press conferences etc)
  • Develop networking and social media programs to shape public perception of their clients
  • Increase awareness of the Ministry’s mandate inclusive of gender violations and gender-related discriminations, and best practices in promoting gender equality (roadshows, promotional materials, etc)
  • Manage internal and external publics’ expectations and respond to enquiries

Information Communication Technology

  • Develop and review Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) strategy
  • Develop and maintain system applications
  • Ensure Cyber security
  • Maintain and update of the Ministry’s Website
  • Development and maintenance of IT infrastructure